Suicide rates within New Zealand are increasing at a rapid rate. It is a worldwide problem.
Hawkes Bay alone has devastatingly high suicide rates, with the East Coast having the highest rate in New Zealand.
Our whanau, our community, our nation need us! Ask your loved ones the hard questions. Don't assume "they'll be OK". If you need help, asking for help is OK! Asking for help can be daunting, but asking is your first step to get the help you need.
Our team at The Doctors are always here to help.
How can I access help?
If you are feeling suicidal or have concerns that someone is suicidal, we treat this as a matter of urgency. Call our clinic and ask to speak to a nurse or GP urgently. You do not have to go into detail with our call centre/front desk staff, simply let them know your matter is urgent.
Alternatively, you can present into our Napier clinic, 30 Munroe Street and ask to be seen urgently, you will be seen as a priority.
I can't afford to see my doctor but I need help?
Never let the cost of a consultation stop you from accessing help. We have access to different funding streams when cost is a barrier, in particular for mental health issues. This may mean your visit can be partially or fully funded. If we cannot access funding for you and it is a mental health or medical emergency, it is our policy to see you regardless of whether payment can be made or not.
Where else can I get help?
0800 112 334 - Emergency Mental Health Service (Crisis Team)
06 8788109 - Hawkes Bay Hospital - Community Mental Health
Free call or txt 1737 any time for support from a trained counsellor
0508 828 865 - Suicide Crisis Helpline
0800 543 354 - Lifeline
0800 787 984 - Youthline
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